Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our first trip...

Well, it started out rough...

Snow, and still more chased us all the way to Oklahoma! All I could imagine was a leaking pipe in our newly de-winterized Maebh...and we pushed all the harder to get to the sunny south!

We left on Friday evening...harried and hassled, usual for me prior to a trip. As we were packing up in the light snow fall, a frantic call was made to Dodgen Industries, where a voice mail was left for Kim Olson. We knew the lights were supposed to turn on somehow in the coach...but where was the darned switch??? A very few minutes later, Kim returned my call, and quickly reminded this dingy female of the proper switch, and ta-da! the lights were on!

Driving to AlbertLea that first night, we Wally-docked quite comfortably. The next morning found us driving bright and early...continuing through south Minnesota, through Iowa, a bit of Missouri, across Kansas, and finally crossing into Oklahoma. We dry-docked in a rest area overnight, and continued on the my parents' home in San Angelo, Texas at about 5pm on Sunday night...we had made the 1230 mile trip in 47 hours, with two overnight stays.

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