Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Continental Divide, Royal Gorge & Colorado Springs

The next morning, we met up with Nolan and Bonnie again, for breakfast. Then it was off on US 50 to Canon City! The drive was a more difficult one for me, but I think it was mostly because I was just tired of driving! :)

That afternoon, we arrived in Canon City, and ate lunch at Burger King. Then we drove just a few miles out of town to briefly explore the Royal Gorge. The Gorge, as usual, was really amazing...but I was a bit disappointed in all the changes from my driving over the bridge, no hand-feeding the deer, etc. But overall, it was still a really enjoyable daytrip. We took the rail down into the gorge, and then walked partway across. I was so proud of Hunny! He was very hesitant to walk onto the bridge, as he is nervous about heights, and the Bridge is nothing if it ain't high! But we walked about halfway, and then back...yay us!

Then it was on to Colorado Springs...and my mountain, Pike's Peak! I can only say that the Springs have exploded in size in the last 20 years! Now, you may read this and think, Of course it has! But I wasn't expecting the HUGE difference. As we were driving in, we were entering the suburbs, and then further into town, I noticed an exit for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo...and suddenly realized that I was much further from my destination on Garden of the Gods Road, than I expected!

That night, we stayed in a motel, and planned to meet Nolan & Bonnie the next morning to explore The Garden of the Gods!

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